George Herms, Adam Kimmel, & Dan Colen with
Purple magazine's Olivier Zahm.

"Adam Kimmel is a model of efficiency. On a single evening during Pitti Uomo in Florence, the New York designer previewed his Fall collection for the fashion press; devised a lookbook with his photog brother, Alexei Hay, featuring a who's who of the New York art scene; and, finally, sat down with friends (Zoe Cassavetes, Olivier Zahm) and family (Mom, Grandma) for a banquet at the prestigious Istituto d'Arte in his honor. "Yeah, it looks like I got my stuff together," joked the 28-year-old. "But really all I can take credit for is the clothes. For the rest, I have to acknowledge the folks that came out here with me."
'Big Night' -Style
Purple magazine's Olivier Zahm with Camille Bidault-Waddington
& Michael Amzalag.